I'm committed to living my Word of the Year each day (well.. most days) and to do a recap each month, no matter what. Having that One Little Word has the potential to change how you look at things. In the past, after a few months, I have stopped doing anything with my word This year will be different. And to help me make it different, I have done something new Read on! ** Word of the Year Monthly Reflection ** My word of the year is 'Do'. I've joined Ali Edwards One Little Word for almost all of the... Read more →
April rolls into May and I'm writing about my Word of the Year, this might be a record!! One BIG goal that I set for myself was to write about my word each month, woohoo! (be sure to watch my video below, it's part of my story today) ** Word of the Year Monthly Reflection ** My word of the year is 'Do'. I've joined Ali Edwards One Little Word so each month is a prompt. Krystal Idunate was our guide for April and the prompt is about 'Letting go'. She had a great analogy of our life is a... Read more →