It's the point in time during a BOM that I look at the fabrics and see where I want to go with the colors. So here is a Fabric 101 lesson from me.
For the first six blocks in the Sugar Block Club I used a lot of the mustard yellow... because I TOTALLY adore that Moda Bella Solid. I've loved yellow since.. well as far back as I can remember. Next to Red it's a 'LOVE" color for me!
But the blocks were looking a bit heavy. I want to lighten up the mix so for this block I only used some yellow in the middle.
Let's see how they are looking.
Do you see how having that one block with alot less yellow starts to change the mix of things? You will note it is OCTOBER (month 10 if you are counting) and there are 7 blocks.. yes.. I happen to realize that. .... yes.. I'm behind.. such is life!
To spice that up I've added some Halloween decorations to the mix..
The next blocks are all going to have LESS of that yellow and then when I get to the setting I can figure things out. If I kept on with heavy yellow in each block that would be ALL you would see in this quilt.. right? So the mixing in of cream based backgrounds begins!
Did see my Class review HERE, with the discount? Discount ends Oct 13, hurry!
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