I tossed in a 'Personal' Question to the Q/A section today... were you one of the ones wondering this?
What's for today?
- Scrappiness is Happiness Week #8
- Do you want to win one of my quilts? Be sure you are subscribed www.youtube.com/user/PatSloan
- Less than 6 KITS LEFT! - Get your Snapdragon Kit https://shrsl.com/3rcmu
- Daily Video
- AccuQuilt Deal of the day Link, check it out!
- Share your photos of your Sew along blocks at the end!
*** Scrappiness is Happiness #8 ***
Let's talk sashing today! And I have a very slight change I made to the block for you on my video today!
- Buy Your Book at https://shrsl.com/3nhid
- Download the Layout patern https://shrsl.com/3s6xs
**FAbric I'm using + my own stash**
- Daisy Fields fabric https://shrsl.com/3o1c1
- Background I'm using https://shrsl.com/3seas
*** Do you want to win this Quilt? ***
When I hit 90,000 Subscribers, which is less than 2,000 people now, I'll give this quilt away!
Subcribing is totally FREE! And it helps me out with my youtube goal of hitting 100,000 quilters in our community go to https://www.youtube.com/user/PatSloan?sub_confirmation=1
*** Sleepover Kit for our sew along! ***
- CLICK To get your kits at https://shrsl.com/3rcmu
- only the pattern at https://shrsl.com/3sldr
- My Sleepover FAbric, More Fat Quarter bundles https://shrsl.com/3tpns
** My Daily video **
- ::Cookie Baking day! Come chat in my Kitchen group at
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/KitchenAdventuresWithPat/
- ::Havel Scissors https://amzn.to/3PBWF8X
- ::Schmetz Scissors (these may not be made anymore, I can’t find them online)
- ::Hot Cocoa https://shrsl.com/3ugtp
- ::O Lucky Day https://www.kittenstitcher.com/product-page/overstock-o-lucky-day-by-with-thy-needle-thread
- ::Mrs Beesley’s Summer House https://pansypatchquiltsandstitchery.ca/shop-my-cross-stitch-designs/p/mrs-beesleys-summer-house
- ::Year of the rabbit xs from the Frosted Pumpkin https://www.thefrostedpumpkinstitchery.com/products/year-of-the-rabbit-cross-stitch-pattern
- ::Planner https://shrsl.com/3u70k
- ::Winter Quilt that is behind on the wall on my back table is in the layer cake book at https://shrsl.com/3r55s called Banana
- ::Norm & Nanette pattern https://shrsl.com/3lotk
- ::Llama Quilt https://shrsl.com/3okkr
- Design boards:: https://shrsl.com/2c4dm
- ::Sloan Zone Tshirts, tote, Mug at https://kdspain.com/sloanzone
Article continues below this Ad
***AccuQuilt Daily Deal**
Every day there is a GREAT deal, so it pays to look and see!
Daily Deal https://shrsl.com/327gn