Happy Saturday! I want to give you a PDF to go along with the video today, and catch you up on other things!
- Download List of What to put on your quilt label
- Midnight Moon
- My Daily video
- If you missed it, how to sew a pillowcase!
- AccuQuilt Deal of the day Link, check it out!
- Share your photos of your Sew along blocks at the end!
Have you helped me yet? My goal is to reach my goal of 100,000 followers at Youtube and I'll be giving away quilts at each milestone! Next giveaway is at 85,000! You sign up for FREE notices for my videos by going to https://www.youtube.com/user/PatSloan?sub_confirmation=1
** What should you put on your quilt label? **
** Midnight Moon **
I'm keeping up, which is amazing!! So happy to be doing that. My video today has the next block
Summer Moon Book https://shrsl.com/3gkvl
Midnight Moon Fabric with a limited number of kits & 1/2 yd bundles. https://shrsl.com/3gkvn I have gotten a FQ bundle and some other pieces .. then I'll add to this from fabric I own.
my Pillowcase will go with my Ukraine quilt to a refugee
Watch my video at
- Make a Pillow Case - here is a pattern https://shrsl.com/3grbm
- Fabric I am using in my Pillowcase is running LOW CLICK HERE
- Fun fast pillowcase video https://youtu.be/uM9bOYfPbag
- More pillowcase patterns at https://www.allpeoplequilt.com/magazines-more/million-pillowcase-challenge/our-top-20-pillowcase-patterns
Article continues below this Ad
***AccuQuilt Daily Deal**
Every day there is a GREAT deal, so it pays to look and see!
Daily Deal https://shrsl.com/327gn
CLICK to read the legal sweepstakes stuff I'm required to tell you.