My video is tonight, Join me at 8pm et for the live chat! The video has my special guest Melissa Mortenson who designed our spooky sampler!
- FREE Bats & Boos! week #4
- Daily video
- Spooky Sampler Week #5
- My Liberty Box quilt top is done! SEE IT BELOW
- AccuQuilt Deal of the day Link, check it out!
- Share your photos at the end!
**FREE Bats & Boos!**
I will chat about this block on Tuesday's video
DOWNLOAD This weeks border at watch my video below for what i might do!
- You also get the supply list & cross stitch at same link
- Watch Kimberly's Bats & Boo! Videos at HERE
***My Video Chat ***
I have questions of Bats & Boos border, watch for options!
Gingham prints
** Get a Liberty box LIMITED supply!
- ** AccuQuilt Machines
- ** AccuQuilt 12ā cube (ON SALE RIGHT NOW)
- ** All Cubes
- ** AccuQuilt Deal of the Day
- --My Facebook group
There is a bit more sewing this week. I suggest doing the pumpkins first. Then the flags which you can continue into next week when we do the last block, the ghosts.
Fabric I'm using
- White with orange & black dots
- Orange w/black flowers
- Orange herringbone
- Black lightening HERE
- Gray bats HERE
- Gingham prints
- Silver dot is older, I found this one that would look great!
**Spooky Sampler Week #5**
After you make the bats you can sew the top row!
Get the pattern at
Pattern UPDATE:
- Ghost Block Step 4: Add the directions:
- Trim the ghost/side border section to 6 Ā½ā³ wide before you sew the 1 Ā½ā³ x 6 Ā½ā³ piece to the bottom of the block.
*** Spooky Sampler! ***
Spooky Sampler pattern, kit option, fabrics
Get the pattern at
*** Liberty Box Quilt Expanded! ***
I am SO excited to see this done!
I added a smaller inner border around the Liberty box quilt to make it an even size to fit with the 2" finished squares. the Red,White, and Blue squares are all from my stash.
It is a 64" x 64" quilt!
** Get a Liberty box LIMITED supply!
***AccuQuilt Daily Deal**
Every day there is a GREAT deal, so it pays to look and see!
Daily Deal