My word of the Year is to 'Be Intentional'
While mulling over our calendar for July, I decided that the focus will be on UFOs (UnFinished Objects). One thing I need to really focus on is how many of these projects that are started do I want to finish. And then I have to 'Intentionally' make that happen. July is the month!
I know a few of you do not have UFOs (what???) and I know a few of you would rather sew something new during the month. Luckily there are several sew along going on for July AND I'll be finishing my Scrappy Stars quilt. So if you want to sew a new scrap quilt you can make star blocks. I have you covered my friend!
In this article:
- UFO Busting
- Grandma's Kitchen last section is done
- Video of the Day
- Cross Stitch
- FREE Flag Patterns
** see all my Word of the year posts at https://blog.patsloan.com/word-of-the-year/
This is my first stack to tackle.
After these I will evaluate ones that need binding, and then ones that are tops. If by some chance I make decisions on ALL those in July, I will then look at projects in progress and make some decisions.
*** Grandma Kitchen Last section Photos***
And.. the last row of Grandma's Kitchen is DONE! This sat WAY too long on the pile
I have been showing you this during my June Videos (watch at https://www.youtube.com/user/PatSloan?sub_confirmation=1 ) I'll talk about it again as I sew the last row on and then have the hand work to cover the seam on the back.
Some up close pieces
I used my walking foot for all of this.
See all my posts about quilting this in a 'Quilt as You Go' method at this link
*** Cross Stitch Love ***
how in the world do you store your cross stitch?
I got tired of the folds so clipped them to my rolling assistants.This is my new page for all the cross stitch projects I'm doing https://www.ilovetomakequilts.com/cross-stitch-sew-alongs.html
My Favorite Rolling Assistant https://amzn.to/3eknhI0
*** Video of the day ***
- Get your Morning mugs kit at https://shrsl.com/2ag9c
- coffee mug https://shrsl.com/2aikc
- here is a similar coffee mug wall hanging if you just want to buy a pattern at https://shrsl.com/2ak5j
*** Make a Flag! ***
I have a 3 FREE Flag patterns today!
The quilt on the left is my Grand Ole Flag, The one on the right is Stars Stripes and Dots. It is free pattern and there is a kit available.
- DOWNLOAD Stars Stripes Dots Pattern https://shrsl.com/2brdz
- Stars Stripes Dots Kit, click for closeups https://shrsl.com/2brdx
The Wave Your Flag Table runner from the Fat Quarter shop
Download below
I made up one block of my Grand Ole Flag with my up coming Morrison Park Fabric.
Would you ask your favorite shop if they ordered my next fabric line? It is with Benartex and available for them to order. More details at https://www.benartex.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=sloan
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Download Pat Sloan Grand Ole Flag pattern
Download Wave Your Flag table runner Pattern