We are remembering and missing my Father-in-law this Memorial Day.. he served in both WWII and Korea.
Flag Pattern is free from me to you at https://www.ilovetomakequilts.com/2017/07/pats-free-grand-ole-flag-is-done-binding-on-happy-4th-of-july.html
If you are reading this in an email, CLICK THE TITLE or the SEE MORE at the end to come to my website to watch my video!
- Come join me at my Online Quilt community where there is a quilt show every day!
- Click to Watch All my Videos
- Video is the May 25 challenge
- A great sit and chat about what is going on and coming up!
- NEW GOODIES bag giveaway at the end
- Download the MAY Calendar & Project at https://blog.patsloan.com/2020/04/announcing-the-magical-quilt-may-calendar-and-so-much-more.html
- Thank you for using my links, they support my small family business.
- Feeling like you missed something? Enter your email to get all my news!
*** NEXT Sew Along! ****
Going on a Picnic sew along details
*** My Next Fabric Line Morrison Park! ****
The Jolly bar Sew Along is shifted a few weeks so everyone's books can arrive.
In the mean time... I've selected one of these groups to sew a quilt from the book.. If you have your book.. join me!
- The Jolly Bar 2 book https://shrsl.com/28tov
- A Jolly bar, sampler takes just ONE! https://shrsl.com/28tos
- 3 yds of background/backing/border, try one of the monthly sale fabrics http://shrsl.com/1wp3w
- I'm using the Canning Days https://shrsl.com/28vt5 and pale yellow to go with it
In June we will be focusing on Freemotion quilting! So grab a panel and my book to be ready!
- Nature panel https://shrsl.com/2aqzd
- Harvest Road fabric https://shrsl.com/2ar37
- Tiger Fly http://shrsl.com/29trr
- My Machine Quilting book Kindle option https://amzn.to/2A7J2vv and print option with PDF add on at my publisher https://www.shopmartingale.com/pat-sloans-teach-me-to-machine-quilt.html
- Paris Panel https://www.anrdoezrs.net/links/8902216/type/dlg/https://www.fabric.com/buy/0648005/wilmington-painting-paris-large-23-panel-multi
- More Panel Options https://shrsl.com/29wht
- And More panel Options https://www.anrdoezrs.net/links/8902216/type/dlg/https://www.fabric.com/quilting-fabric.aspx?searchText=panels
- Dream Big https://shrsl.com/29ted
- Butterfly Pattern https://shrsl.com/29w7l
- Be sure you get batting https://shrsl.com/29vft
** OTHER **
- Vintage Christmas Book - Bringing home the Tree- sew along https://shrsl.com/2aaxf
- Free zig zag table runner https://blog.patsloan.com/2018/10/fabulous-fabric-series-my-free-halloween-tablerunners.html
- My shopping Page https://patsloan.typepad.com/shop_with_pat_sloan/
- Download May Rainbow https://blog.patsloan.com/2020/04/announcing-the-magical-quilt-may-calendar-and-so-much-more.html
Part #4 of the Mystery Cross Stitch and I'm finishing HOME first
It's all good.. I'm starting to get in a groove with stitching!
Order your download pattern https://shrsl.com/27tnv and get started!
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Mini Iron
- Mini iron http://shrsl.com/1uzcz use my link and my exclusive iron code for 20% off and free shipping by putting discount PATSLOAN20
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*** DO YOU NEED some fresh Recipes? Join my Kitchen Adventures! ***
- Does this look crazy or what? Oreo loaf cake? And we talked about our vegatable gardens this week too!
- Do you need new Cooking ideas? Join me at KitchenAdventuresWithPat/
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** Sew Alongs & Important Links!**
- Charming Baby BOOK with that COOL star http://shrsl.com/24ed2
- Sew Along details https://www.ilovetomakequilts.com/charming-baby-sew-along.html
- My Bonnie Lane Bundle http://shrsl.com/20ltd -
- Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/QuiltWithPatSloan/
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** Goodie Bag! **
Answer this questions by NOON on June 8
"Where did you meet your quilting Friends"
Article continues below these Amazon Goodies
CLICK to read the legal sweepstakes stuff I'm required to tell you.