If you are reading this in an email, CLICK THE TITLE or the SEE MORE at the end to come to my website to watch my video!
In This Show - Aired at 8:30pm eastern 3/23/2020
If you are joining me from the Shop tour, thank you for stopping in!!!
- Please Sign up for my sew along notices Next one starts April 8!
- Join my Online Quilt community where there is a quilt show every day!
- Watch my Videos too!
- Go to the end for the list of Designers in today's tour!
** Fireside chat topics **
- Crazy Quilty March Challenge #23 - Favorite Tool!
- Babylock Sewing Machine Giveaway!
- Quilt Day Giveaway!
- Project updates
- GOODIES bag giveaway
- Download the March Calendar https://blog.patsloan.com/2020/02/a-crazy-quilty-march-reveal.html
- Thank you for using my links, they support my small family business.
- Feeling like you missed something? Enter your email to get all my news!
- Sashiko Fabric https://shrsl.com/26igs
- Clover Seam Ripper https://shrsl.com/26igt
- Clover Stilleto https://shrsl.com/26igz
- Wonder clips https://shrsl.com/261g3
- Sew Together Bag https://shrsl.com/264rw
Perfectly Pretty Patchwork Book is 20% off at https://shrsl.com/26hmu
- Scrappy planner http://shrsl.com/252bo
- Journal http://shrsl.com/23hxn
- other Planners http://shrsl.com/23hxq
This massive prize package includes a Baby Lock Crescendo, a two-year SEWED online class membership and special bundles selected by Eleanor Burns and myself.
- ENTER at the Babylock website https://babylock.com/national-quilting-month
- Enter MY Quilt Day https://blog.patsloan.com/2020/03/do-you-want-some-quilt-day-fun.html
Mini Iron
- Mini iron http://shrsl.com/1uzcz use my link and my exclusive iron code for 20% off and free shipping by putting discount PATSLOAN20
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*** On my Design WAll & Kitchen Adventures! ***
- Quilt Day Star block to download & Giveaway https://blog.patsloan.com/2020/03/do-you-want-some-quilt-day-fun.html
- Quarantine Quilt Along Details https://gequiltdesigns.com/blogs/ge-happenings/elvira-quarantine-quilt-along
- Big Bird https://blog.patsloan.com/2020/03/bonus-bird-quilt-for-the-charity-quilt-along.html
- Do you need new Cooking ideas? Join me at KitchenAdventuresWithPat/
Info on Making Masks https://www.facebook.com/groups/QuiltWithPatSloan/permalink/1446486968867865/
Yoga with Adriene • https://www.youtube.com/yogawithadriene
*** STARTS April 8 Charming Baby Sew Along ***
- The BOOK http://shrsl.com/24ed2
- Details - https://www.ilovetomakequilts.com/charming-baby-sew-along.html
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** Sew Alongs & Important Links!**
- Sew along with me! Bonnie Lane Bundle http://shrsl.com/20ltd - also purchase 6yd of a background fabric – check the basics of the month I’m using http://shrsl.com/221ji
- BloomTopia Kits using same fabric as Fat Quarter shop http://shrsl.com/221j7
- Project page to download the supply lists & get info on the Charity Cross stitch-along https://blog.patsloan.com/2020/01/would-you-like-follow-the-charity-quilt-along-with-me.html
- Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/QuiltWithPatSloan/
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** Goodie Bag! **
Last week's goodie bag goes to Claudia McCartney who said...(you've been emailed)
My dream vacation is with my sister who has quilted for years. She lives in WV and I live in Georgia. We try to get together once a year somewhere where there are ample quilt shops in an hour or so radius. We bring our Featherweights and set up in a hotel room. We may sew in the morning and shop in the afternoon and sew some more in the evening and just enjoy our time together. We usually have one or two projects in mind to complete and work on anything else we want to. It's just the best sister time there is!
Answer this questions by NOON on March 30
"What Quilt did you have the most fun making?"
Visit these awesome Designer friends to see what fun things they create! Next list is March 27th!
- Lone Star Pattern Works https://www.lonestarpatternworks.com
- Powered by Quilting https://www.poweredbyquilting.com
- Cottage Rose Quilt Patterns https://www.cottagerosequiltshop.com
- The Cloth Parcel https://www.theclothparcel.com
- Faith and Fabric https://www.faithandfabricdesign.com
- Linen Closet Designs http://www.linenclosetdesigns.com
- Designs by Sarah J https://www.designsbysarahj.com
- Rona the Ribbiter Quilts https://www.ronatheribbiter.com
- Quilt Fox Designs https://www.quiltfox-design.com
- Seam to Be Sew https://www.seamstobesew.com
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