If you are reading this in an email, CLICK THE TITLE or the SEE MORE at the end to come to my website to watch my video!
In This Show - Aired at 8:30pm eastern 3/2/2020
- Crazy Quilty March Challenge #2 - Fabric
- Charity quilts Needed
- Quilt Month - Babylock Sewing Machine Giveaway!
- Project updates
- GOODIES bag giveaway
- Thank you for using my links, they support my small family business.
- Feeling like you missed something? Enter your email to get all my news!
My Heart Quilt
Heart quilt in the Splendid Sampler http://shrsl.com/24w3d
Do you have a Favorite Fabric you've not used?
The challenge today is to find some fabric that you LOVE but have not sewn with it yet. Why might that be? Are you saving it for ‘something special’. How special does it really have to be? Is it more fun to have it decorating your shelf or is it more fun to pair it with amazing fabrics and then use in a gorgeous quilt? Tonight I’ll show you the fabric I’ve had for a shortish time period and one I’ve had for a LOT longer.
Your assignment – Find that fabric you love but ‘never used’. Get it out, find some friends in your collection that work with it, then look for a pattern to use. Make yourself a kit of pattern and fabrics for this amazing print and make it a goal to sew that quilt this year.
Video will run at 8:30pm tonight.
My Favorites & great books!
- Perfect 5 book & ruler http://shrsl.com/1xqds
- Jolly Bar Book http://shrsl.com/25ahj
- Harvest Road Fabric http://shrsl.com/25ahn
I am so excited about Quilt Month this year! Eleanor Burns and I are teamed up with Babylock who is giving away a super amazing Crescendo machine!
This massive prize package includes a Baby Lock Crescendo, a two-year SEWED online class membership and special bundles selected by Eleanor Burns and myself.
ENTER at the Babylock website https://babylock.com/national-quilting-month
Mini Iron
- Mini iron http://shrsl.com/1uzcz use my link and my exclusive iron code for 20% off and free shipping by putting discount PATSLOAN20
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** Tool Chat **
- Seam Tape http://shrsl.com/259fj
Mackinack Island Fabric http://shrsl.com/259fl - Wool Mats http://shrsl.com/1z96p
- Project Containers I use https://amzn.to/2FcOnBp
- My rolling office Assistant https://amzn.to/2B5NmZO
** Fabric Love**
- Feeling Lucky http://shrsl.com/24sjz
Sew Colorful http://shrsl.com/24toj
- Norm and Nannette Gnome Kits ON SALE .. SO CUTE! http://shrsl.com/1yc7e
*** Kitchen Adventures! ***
Have you ever made cookies from a cake mix?. SEE the chat here
*** Charming Baby Sew Along ***
- The BOOK http://shrsl.com/24ed2
- I am using this Happy Vintage charm packs http://shrsl.com/24ed9
- Details - https://www.ilovetomakequilts.com/charming-baby-sew-along.html
Melissa Corry, the Author of the Charming Baby book, is teamed up with her friend to have a baby quilt drive to collect 100 quilts in March for the NICU local to them. If you have a baby quilt you'd like to donate get the info at Melissa's article
*** Kick off the Crazy Quilty March! ***
If you missed it, watch now
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** Sew Alongs & Important Links!**
- Drive Down Bonnie Lane Pattern http://shrsl.com/1q6je
- The Project Details https://www.ilovetomakequilts.com/pat-sloan-drive-down-bonnie-lane-.html
- Table runner project page https://www.ilovetomakequilts.com/bonnie-lane-table-runner.html
- Glow http://shrsl.com/1u2wd
- Glow Project page https://www.ilovetomakequilts.com/bonnie-lane-glow-quilt.html
- Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/QuiltWithPatSloan/
** Charity Quilt Along – Feb 1 to July 15 **
- Sew along with me! Bonnie Lane Bundle http://shrsl.com/20ltd - also purchase 6yd of a background fabric – check the basics of the month I’m using http://shrsl.com/221ji
- BloomTopia Kits using same fabric as Fat Quarter shop http://shrsl.com/221j7
- Project page to download the supply lists & get info on the Charity Cross stitch-along https://blog.patsloan.com/2020/01/would-you-like-follow-the-charity-quilt-along-with-me.html
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** Goodie Bag! **
Last week's goodie bag goes to
Dolores V "My favorite notion is Rotary cutter I remember when I had to use scissors "
Answer this questions by NOON on March9
"What in quilting do you want to learn more about?"
Article continues below these Amazon Goodies
CLICK to read the legal sweepstakes stuff I'm required to tell you.