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I'm TOTALLY smitten with all the adorable pins that are out and had to order 'Mr Jack', 'The Maker', and another pair of red scissors.
Look for a pin to be in a future giveaway.. CLICK HERE and tell me in the comments which one YOU want ... you know. if I was going to get one to give to someone it might as well be one they like.
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I did a poll to see who wanted to learn or wanted to reboot their hand piecing skills. I want a project to take on the trips that is not applique.
I had been thinking about doing a hand piecing take along and my buddy Carolyn Forster's book came my way before I had her on my podcast (LISTEN HERE). I do think the moon & star align so we get information JUST when we need it!
Since I've always wanted to do an apple core quilt and a tumbler, I have both templates.
The tumbler in that size lets me get 4 from a charm pack.. sweet! And I am going to do the applique core with the Pepper & Flax and find other things to add in later.
I took a bunch of each to experiment with on my trip and when I'm back I'll do a Facebook live and talk about hand piecing.
Eventually I'm going to use blocks from Carolyn's book, one of the fancier ones in repeat. First is to do some easy tumblers & apple cores.
WHAT YOU NEED - because I know you want to do it, wink!
- My favorite Hand Piecing Book
- Best Sand Board EVER .. you need this one it's so much better than what I learned with!
- Apple Core - more coming in this week!
- Tumbler Set
- Pigma Pen I am using size 01 but a little thicker is fine too - for marking
- Charm Packs - Here is Sequoia that is show and what I'm taking on my trip along with other scraps
- Pepper & Flax
Today Is an Encore of one of my Favorite shows since I'm out of town and being the dog days of summer, many of you have not caught up on all the shows.. so it's a great day to do that!
CLICK THE PLAYER & Listen to a great encore show!
- The talented Jera Brandvig of Quilting in the rain is a fabric designer and author. She loves quilt as you go and her new book is wonderful and full of tips! We are going to talk about color selections, blocks and get tips on quilting units. FIND Jera's FABRIC HERE
- Victoria Gertenbach is the voice behind the website The Silly BooDilly. I've been following her work for a long time and I love it! We are going to talk about mixing machine & hand quilting
- Melissa Mortenson is the creator behind the website Polka Dot Chair where her DIY projects are a mix of projects for your home, with lots of Quilting, sewing projects, Holiday crafts and family recipes. She is also an author & fabric designer. I am delighted to learn about her fabric lines with Riley Blake and get a few decorating tips for the holidays! BUY Melissa's FABRIC HERE
- ITUNES subscription available - Subscribe HERE
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- Prior Shows can be Listened to at MY Podcast Guest List page!