Kathy Shaw, Heidi Parkes, Leslie Jenison, and Lissa Alexander chat with Pat!
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I’m always attracted to beautiful embroidery work. When I saw Kathy Shaw’s books and her work I had to learn more! If you were curious about crazy quilts and stitches, you’ll love this chat!
Visit her at http://www.shawkl.com/
Heidi Parkes tagline is ‘Artist - Quilts - Mending ‘ and I am intrigued by that. Quilts and Mending on the same line? Heidi will change your mind on what that means.
Visit her at http://www.heidiparkes.com/
Leslie Jenison and I have been friends a long time, it might have started when we both did a ‘use this Nancy Drew Fabric’ challenge! She is an award winner quilter, fabric designer, and extremely amazing quiltmaker. Leslie and I chatted about how to stay healthy so we can quilt a very long time.
Visit her at http://leslietuckerjenison.com/
Lissa Alexander's newest book is all about scraps and it's fantastic! She is also the director of Marketing for Moda Fabrics, which means she is the organizer of getting all the amazing things about Moda out for us to learn. I've worked with Lissa since the first year I went into business. I'm also lucky enough to have gotten a bit of time to have her tell us about the new Color Cuts that Moda is doing!
BUY Lissa's Book regular price $27.99, on SALE for $19.25 right now!
Visit her at http://modalissa.com/
Visit Moda's blog at http://blog.modafabrics.com/
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The 10" squares of this super cute line on sale this week + some other awesome bundles as Precut of the week!
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