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I have been scrolling the photos several times a day at my Facebook group and you are creating AMAZING projects!
I try and comments on as many of your projects you make from my patterns and fabric as possible, but i know I don't see them all. I want to give you an extra special shout out and tell you how GREAT you are!!
Looking at my wonderful group you remind me of Busy Quilting Bees... buzzing in, helping each other, buzzing out to sew and then back again.
I love this comment I saw
Tamera Ann Said "I asked to join this group in search of information but quickly realized its a community always willing to help! Thank you Pat!"
It's THRILLING and humbling to know you joined my group, found a communit and that you are so generous and supportive of each other, thank you everyone... HUGS!!!
The February block in the Heartland Heritage calendar quilt are the little houses... i had a blast picking fabric for this one and I am going to make a few more of these! I'll be doing just one or two of each month's block and then a smaller setting to make a more of a baby size quilt.
The calendar house went together SO FAST .. love it! I'm using Cotton + steel prints .. the butterfly and Kitty HERE in the Beauty Shop line.
The Bella Solids are on sale all month as the basic. The Fat Quarter shop has not only yardage, but jelly rolls, layer cakes, charm packs and these color wheels!
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