My guests today Robin Vizzone, Judy Gauthier, Sharon Tucker & Chat with Pat Segment!
FREE Pattern at the end.
SHOW #337 Talk Show with Pat Sloan
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My love of applique and designing is all intertwined with primitive and folk art images. I’m excited to have Robin Vizzone’s from Briar Root Primitives to visit with. I feel she really captures the essence of primitives and having projects that appeal to us on many levels. I asked Robin to chat about this style with me today because I think it’s one that looks fantastic in any colors and prints. I’m seriously thinking I need her Mr. McCoy for next St. Patricks day!
The title got my attention ‘Rainbow Quilts’ and after opening the book I sent an email right off to Judy Gauthier! I love her take on using the rainbow in quilts, it’s a different take and and something I think I can do! I’ve been really tried it Judy is going to give me the inside scoop to get started.. then we’ll talk about her other things.. like a fun quilt shop she owns, Bungalow Quilting and Yarn, in Ripon, Wisconsin!
BUY Judy's books! and her tools
Sharon tucker of Grass Roots quilting is one of the designers for the American Patchwork & Quilting Quilt along this year called Block Party! Her String Theory is on the cover of the April 2017 issue. She is an expert longarm quilter and if full of great tips for us!
Q&A!! I answered questions you sent in... hope you like this segment! I'm experimenting with what I talk about during my segments.. leave me a comment telling me what you find the most interesting about the show.. my segments..what would you like more of? I'd love to know!
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