I love kicking off my Mystery Block of the Month! It's so fun to have a theme each year....
... and when I decided on our much loved Children's book I think it really connected to so many of you. Almost 600 people left me their favorite book at the FreeQuiltPatterns.info supply list page, it's so fun to read what you loved as a child! Some shared their current favorites they are reading with their children, grand-children, nieces and nephew.
I even looked to see what new version of this book are available, there are quite a few!
I've changed it up this year and I'll be introducing you to shop owners each month because the main business of FreeQuiltPatterns.info is building websites, with a core of the business devote to quiltshop sites.
Shop owner, designer and my super talented friend Roseann of Rosebud's cottage gave me the inspiration for our first book. Her 'Mother Goose Rhymes'. I totally love that she HAS the book, look at the pretty color drawings inside... they are so darling! She wrote about how she acquired this copy of her book at this post
Then when you go to the site page you'll also meet another shop owner team, Homestead Hearth's Sarah & Dolores! I asked them what personal projects they are working on. My goal is to introduce you this year to wonderful shops and their owners all across the country.
Let me tell you a bit more about your mystery and show you my first block...
When you download the block, the last page is the setting. You'll see a WIDE Sashing between the blocks. That sashing will have something in it, a mystery within a mystery!
For my quilt I'm going controlled scrappy using a lot of my Moda Fabric lines and added in other random things. The first block is made entirely of my next fabric line scraps "Sunday Drive" from Moda. Be sure your favorite shop has ordered it for you!
But you know.. I wondered how it would look with other fabric....
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I had gotten this gold stripe and had these pinky/red prints.. LOVE the pineapple! Added a splash of grey... let's see how it looks
I totally changed up the block using the lights in the corner. Not sure if I'll do a full second quilt, but I like this block so much and these fabrics I may make this a repeat block for a lap quilt. 3x4 setting with sashing and it's SPRING time!
Download the block at Free Quilt Patterns.info
Then share your Mother Goose Block below, can't wait to see them!!!
The Important Details
- Sunday Drive won't be in shops until Feb, you can get a notice sent when it's in
- Stripe fabric from my friend Victoria, and the super darling Pineapple fabric
- Adorable Scissors & Aurifil
- Pick up a copy of Mother Goose Rhymes
- New here? Enter your email for my Weekly Club Note sent right to your inbox!