My guests today are Diane Bohn, Amy Barickman, Amy Ellis & Jennifer Keltner!
SHOW #323 with Pat Sloan
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Diane Bohn of From Blank Pages creates pretty amazing paper pieced quilts. The sparkle and have a life of their own as she encourages you to use fabrics that you love in her work. She also is an advocate of making quilts for charity and bringing people together to make them. Quilters want to help by giving a ‘real’ hug to people in need via our quilts. Quilters are the most generous of people this way. Diane has run a group to partner people up, she is an inspiration to me!
Quilting for a Cause Facebook Group
Amy Barickman of Indygo Junction was the first designer, business that I meet when I went to my first trade show. I had already been a huge fan of the Designs and team at Indyo Junction and Amy’s wonderfully warm welcome to the business side of quilting was so kind. We have worked together several times over the years and we keep up with each other on all things quilting and sewing! She is super clever and always has fun new ways for us to sew, from quilts to clothing to totes to her new Fabriflair items! Can’t wait to learn more about the newest things with Amy!
Buy FabriFlair Kits, Clothing and quilt pattern, Emboridery, & great coloring books!
The Fabriflair video
Indygo Essentials line
I am excited to catch up with Amy Ellis to see what she has new! Amy is a Moda Designer, Author, Baby lock Ambassador and always has something fun for us to participate in. She is the founder of the Blogger’s Quilt Festival online and has taken the online fun to new levels. She also creates both fabric and quilt designs with a modern feel that I love!
BUY Her Patterns, some in Digital Download
As promised, Jennifer Keltner the chief visionary officer at Martingale is back! This time we go behind the scenes to learn more about how the books you love come together. It's really a team effort!
I LOVE this FREE pattern at the FQS for jelly rolls called 'Jelly Roll Twist!'
DOWNLOAD this PLUS many more AND check the FLASH sale & other cool things!
CLICK HERE to Listen LIVE between 4pm and 5pm EASTERN. Then Listen ON YOUR COMPUTER or download the PODCAST after the show, the recording is available after 6pm eastern.
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