I usually save a little money aside for this week between Christmas and New Year's because there is always something I've been looking at our need that is put on sale ... And the good stuff is always today! At Connecting threads tools page I spotted some pink wonder clip, the great rag quilt rotary cutter and some other nifty notions.. but they all go FAST.. then check the books & kits & fabric yardage.. super great for backing!
Now... onto those UFOs...
I spotted the the annual UFO Challenge that my friends at American Patchwork & Quilting hosts each year and decide right then and there.. yes.. this is the year I'm going to enter! What they do is have you select 12 UFOs (UnFinished Objects) that you want to complete in 2017. Then you fill out a form assigning each one a number.
They will pick a random number each month and you do that project!
So... deep breath.... I asked all of you if you wanted to do this TOGETHER... and oh.. about.... 50,000 of you said
heck yes!
ALL of us really do want to finish projects dont' we? In the spirit of MAKING myself finish some projects by telling the world I am... .. I opened the door to my pie safe that has projects piled on the top shelf.
1...2....3.... 18....
Then I went to my basket where I have a couple that are so close to being done I have no idea why they are not.... Ok.. the machine quilting one got lost in the shuffle of launching I Love to Make Quilts website ... but luckily it's red & white so I can do it for Valentines or all year long at my house!
First I listed what I found... 12+ ... there are more that are NOT On that list.
What I suggest you do is to select 12 that you know you could finish in that month. Now maybe you don't have that many UFOs (said no quilter ever... but i know a few of you don't!).. for me it's .. cough. cough.. kind of easy to find 12 like that. I actually have most of them as a top.. only 4 that I found so far ... yes... you noticed I said 'so far'... need the top completed. there used to be more of those but I think they mostly went to new homes.
SO.... next print the sheet and get ready to rock and roll those 12 projects into the LAND Of Finishes!
Leave me a comment and tell me what is your number one quilt you WANT to finish in 2017
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