My guests today are Brenda Ratliff, Roseann Kermes, and Bill Volckening!
SHOW #322 with Pat Sloan
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Brenda Ratliff is the dynamic owner of Pink Castle Fabric, organizer of Camp StitchAlot, SewPro and a fabric designer with RJR. I am excited to be working with Brenda as part of the 2017 Aurifil Design team and today we are going to talk about finding and using unique fabrics.
Buy Brenda's Patterns, Aurifil thread & Fabric
It’s great to chat quilts of any kind with Bill Volckening again. I love the internet because I make so many friends through quilting. Bill’s idea to buy a few New York Beauty quilts turned into an impressive collection of this style quilt, along with a beautiful book of the quilts and their stories. He has since collected many styles of quilts, including a love of 70s quilts. He is also the author of Modern Roots, 12 projects inspired by patchwork. I love old quilts and knowing their stories. Join Bill and I to get a look at what it’s like to collect.
Buy Bill's Book. The Quiltmania book can be found via Bill's website
Download this Free Pattern from Brenda at her site!
CLICK HERE to Listen LIVE between 4pm and 5pm EASTERN. Then Listen ON YOUR COMPUTER or download the PODCAST after the show, the recording is available after 6pm eastern.
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