My guests today are Ellen Osten, Megan Pitz, Cathy Wiggins, and Mary Abreu!
SHOW #318 with Pat Sloan
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Ellen Osten is the National Director of Education at Sulky of America. I’m excited to talk thread and get some really good info for us on different types of thread.
Visit Sulky's Youtube channel!
I love Megan Pitz’s style of quilts. And she makes a lot to share! Her website and IG handle are Canoe Ridge Creations, she is a regular contributor to the American Patchwork & Quilting family of magazine and Megan LOVES to do binding! So I’m going to get a few tips from her today.
If you have looked at any quilt photos from a big show, you will have seen Cathy Wiggins’ work. And when she started to quilt with leather, I was intrigued and excited to see her work! Cathy is going to tell me how an regular quilter like me can use leather in projects.. are you in for learning something new?
Each month this year Mary Abreu of Confessions of a craft addict is joining me so we can talk about in depth on topics we quilters want to know about! We want to talk learning and classes, but not from a beginners stand point. But from how to look at learning once you have a few years experience. And we are talking to give you pointers on how to develop a class so that you can teach others!
CLICK HERE to Listen LIVE between 4pm and 5pm EASTERN. Then Listen ON YOUR COMPUTER or download the PODCAST after the show, the recording is available after 6pm eastern.
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