I love the story behind the makers. That has to be one of the more exciting parts of my job, hearing your stories. I am so excited to be part of a week long tour to celebrate the story of quiltmakers...
Are you familiar with the Quilt Allilance organization? Their mission is to preserve the stories of quiltmakers. They do interviews by documenting by video and they also write up the stories of makers. Several times a year they run events. They run a yearly challenge to raise funds. People bid on quilts, and I entered that one year, it was so fun and my friend won the bid for my quilt!
A few years back they started a great fund raising event called 'Quilters Take Manhattan'. This is the 6th year in the Big Apple. It is a weekend-long series featuring a full-day event at the Fashion Institute of Technology, an evening cocktail party on Saturday, and tours of the Garment District, area museums, workshops and a Broadway outing. SUCH fun!
I have YET to be able to go as I'm always teaching out of town the same weekend. This year the QTM event is Sept 23-25 and you can get all the information at the website
Because we can't all go, they do a fun 'Home' bag sponsored by Moda, and I'm part of the tour this week to give away 'Moda Home' bags!
What's in the Bag?
- It's packed with samples and treats from the sponsors
- Has a chance to win select door prizes.
- And the Home Ticket holders receive priority access to the online video of the 'Sunday with Sponsors' event. That access is sent via email link 2 weeks after the event. (Please note: the Home Ticket does not include footage of QTM lectures and interviews due to prohibitive cost).
Would you like to win one? Of course you do, it's fun!!
To enter to win a Moda Home bag from me, leave me a comment
Tell me about a person that has influenced your quiltmaking
THEN sign up for my club newsletter!
WINNER is Denise W. who shared who influenced her with me
"The lady who took care of me when I was very young taught me how to sew on the treadle machine at the end of her bed. It was love. There are none in my family or my married family who really sew or quilt. I get my sewing and quilting inspiration from the women who are my friends and support system. They are great influencers and cheerleaders. Just like Pat Sloan and all the others who design and remind us we can too. Thanks for sharing."