Splendid Sampler™ Block 52 is Me! Jane and I each have about 9 blocks in the quilt, we are so thrilled to have about 30,000 of you sewing our Splendid Sampler™ with us!
Since our project theme is memories of sewing, quilting, community... my block this time is ....
One of my all time favorite flowers, the Coneflower!
Why do I love this flower? Besides the obvious ...
stunning beauty of it....
and that I have many many many of them in my garden....
My first project with American Patchwork & Quilting magazine were these Coneflower pincushions!
I went hunting in my archive photos and found this.. I can still remember how THRILLED I was when the editors of the magazine, Heidi Kaisand and Jennifer Keltner, asked me to submit designs to their magazine. This developed into a lifelong friendship with both, from one little coneflower... isn't it incredible how the world work?
I had already decided it was an amazing flower to applique and had them on my signature quilt "Ma-Ma's Garden".
This quilt is dedicated to my great grandmothers, who both loved flowers.
I have a 2nd version that I created for my Wild and Free workshop
It is without a border for teaching so that I can show you how I set up the quilt for doing the applique.
I think I'll put a border on it soon....
What color would you choose?
Here are all my blocks so far.. this is SO FUN!!!
I had to use the grey polka dot for this block.. I will do at least one more with that fabric..I'm hoarding it so it's running low!
Download My Block at our Splendid Sampler™ website!
See all my blocks I'm sewing along with you!
Buy the goodies!
- Learn all my Fusible Applique Tricks! and ordering international
- Ma-Ma's Garden Pattern
- My Applique Book, I'll sign it! International orders, Digital
- French General Fabric that Jane is using
- The ADORABLE Stand for table OR Wall!
- My Favorite 6.5" square ruler
- My Aurifil thread
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