Free patterns!.. My guests today are Kori Turner, Kimberly Bourne, Amanda Niederhauser, and Andy Knowlton!
SHOW #313 with Pat Sloan
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I have friends that travel a lot, and some had stopped at Kori Turner’s shop, Olive and Grace. Then I saw her quilts at the trade show and was very excited she is able to talk to us about her quilts and give us some stitchery tips!
Kimberly Bourne of Main Street Market Designs creates some incredible quilts. Some are mind boggling like her eclipse series, others are projects you can do over and over with her unique twist to the way she layouts out a design. Also she happens to love curved piecing and we are going to get some tips from her on that today!
I’ve been following Amanda Niederhauser of JediCraftGirl for quite awhile. She has amazing tips and tricks, shows her craft process and hey.. she loves Starwars, you have to guess that from her business name (check her about page at her website for the proof)!
BUY Amanda's Patterns, Including the ones in the photo
Andy Knowlton’s at ‘A Bright Corner’ creates quilts with wonderful color combinations. And she very generously shares photos of her work, tips, tutorials and tricks to get it right. Andy also loves scraps so we are going to explore that a bit!
BUY Andy's Patterns, Including the one in the photo
CLICK HERE to Listen LIVE between 4pm and 5pm EASTERN. Then Listen ON YOUR COMPUTER or download the PODCAST after the show, the recording is available after 6pm eastern.
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