Splendid Sampler™ Block 38 is designed by the Amazing Pam Vieira-McGinnis, usually known as Pam Kitty Morning!
Pam has been sewing since she was a small child. I did a bit of hand sewing (self taught) then didn't take it up again until highschool home-ec class. And quilts? I never heard of them until I was an adult. This means I had a lot of catching up to do when I became mildly... massively obsessed with making quilts. I wanted to know all the history, and see all the old quilts, it's my favorite part!
Pam fashioned her block after an old embroidery design, I may have to make another in embroidery!
I do a lot of fusible applique so want to share how I put this one together. You can get all my insider secrets in my book, which I'll sign if you order from me!
First I trace everything, and since I cut out the centers, I can use the inside of the basket for smaller pieces. and I tuck it all in close to use my Heat n Bond lite as efficiently!
Cut out the inside, leaving less than 1/4" as a basting 'rim'
Here is the inside piece where I put the leaves
Fuse the basket to the wrong side of the fabric
The cut away area makes it so easy to place over adorable images!
Pam used rick rack, I may have squealed when I saw it! I have a nice box full of new and vintage rick rack. I really really really (did I say really ) LOVE Rick rack!
All my pieces!! You'll notice I did change out the one flower on the top ... it didn't look that good once in the basket
I wanted to use a larger rick rack, but this one seemed to suit the block better. you just have to test to see!
So how do i attach it? Let me show you!
I draw a line with my Roxanne's Basting glue. Then place the rick rack on top and press with an iron to dry it. Because I'm super impatient!
I attach the rick rack permanently with French Knots, because I can!
Either with Aurifil 12 wt, or Aurifil Floss. Today I used this floss kit, it's so yummy! I use two strands at a time for my knots
Close up of my French Knots.. i love them!
I am in love with my Vintage Flower Basket. As I blanket stitched it I thought about all the wonderful antique quilts and designs I will find on my journeys. Maybe I need to own a embroidered antique quilt!
Do you have one?
Download the Block at our Splendid Sampler™ website!
See all my blocks I'm sewing along with you!
Buy the goods!
- Learn all my Fusible Applique Tricks! and here if ordering international
- The ADORABLE Stand
- My Favorite 6.5" square
- The ONLY Scissors I use
- Basting Glue
- Aurifil Floss, this pack is called Macaroon!
- Darling Aqua Scissors you need!
- Heat n Bond Lite
- My fabric
- Aurifil thread