I am pretty excited for this book tour with my friend Barbara Cline! Her latest book and the quilts, will knock your socks off!
Barbara has an amazing way of looking at quilt blocks. In her latest book all the projects are made from the same star unit.
How she places fabric and color totally changes up what you see!
yes.. all those are the SAME block!
I decided to ask Barbara a few insider questions.. because I'm all about the story of the maker.
Enter for a chance to win a copy of Barbara's book. Leave me a comment by 6pm on May 1
Tell Me "What color/type of fabric do you want MORE of"
Can't Wait? BUY your own copy now!
I hope to see you in my Online Classroom, and sign up for my tips & tricks articles!
The winner is Pamela who said 'It would be a great thrill to win Barbara's Amazingly Simple Triangle Stars book! I love triangles and am pondering how to incorporate them into a baby quilt I want to finish by June. I tend to favor blue, however my stash has fabric from 1930's style prints with a smattering of dotty and French country prints as well as batiks. I also love American Jane and Kaffe Fassett fabrics. Each quilt I sew is an experiment of its own and many are for charitable organizations. I'm in love with Pat's blog and the many ideas offered in her quilt-along blogs.
- C&T Publishing- April 25 www.ctpub.com/blog/
- Bonnie Hunter - April 26 quiltville.blogspot.
com/ - Pat Sloan- April 27 ME!
- Julia Graber - April 28 juliagraber.blogspot.
com/ - Canton Villiage Quilt Works - April 29 cvquiltworks.com/blogs/
blog - Connecting Threads - April 30 blog.connectingthreads.
com/ - Barbara H. Cline - May 1 quiltingal.blogspot.
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