We got home from a full day drive back from the last event.. unpacked a few things from the car and I went straight to my studio to .....
to Trace a Splendid Sampler™ block!! But not just any block, Jane has a Bonus Easter block and it's so darling I could not stop thinking about it. I pulled all kinds of fabrics and this is what I ended up with.
Here it is... Bunny Bliss!!! I am in LOVE with the plaid.. and the aqua... and red.. and all of it!
Do you see I stitched a wee bitty heard on the heart?
I have a plan for a landing page with a table of all my blocks so you can link to these posts. It's in progress but I've not been home long enough to work on it. So for now, on the right side bar is a Splendid Sampler™ category for all my articles!
Do you remember I'm doing 100 Heart's a Flutter blocks? One for each of The Splendid Sampler™ blocks. Well I decided that I'd also do one for all the bonus blocks.. 100+ hearts!
Download Jane's Bonus Pattern at The Splendid Sampler™ website
Buy MY favorites!
- Pure wovens plaids and others textures.. i LOVE this bundle!
- All the Little Heart Fabrics - Lil' Red
- My Hometown Girl Fabrics
- My Favorite Iron, the pretty little scissors, and my main working Scissors
- Aurifil Floss, the pink is in Tart, and the red is in Macaroon
- And my book on Fusible Applique, it's like taking a class with me!
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