I have been advocating that we Sew 10 Minutes a day for years. Recently at my online classroom (HERE) several people asked HOW can I do 10 minutes? Or some even say "I don't have TIME to sew"
Well let me give you my top tips for fitting more sewing into your day.
"I don't have TIME to Sew"
BEEP BEEP Back up this truck!!!!
Let's take a look at that statement. Because if you don't work on a project is't NOT going to get done, end of story.
That project sitting in a bag or a box will NOT finish itself, and I image it's there causing you some grief, some guilt, for being partially done.
You WANT to sew .. right? It's your hobby, it makes you Happy
Are you still with me?? Good.... read on!
Think of your quilting as your gift to yourself, not another 'chore'. I find people get in a RUT of thinking quilting is HARD or a CHORE, instead of a JOY and a BLESSING you give yourself.
If your excuse is missing below... insert it at the end and BUST the myth by doing some quilting today, even if just for 10 minutues! If you really WANT to quilt.. you CAN find time... yes.. yes you can!
I meet 'busy up to their eyeball' people all over the world who find the time to do what feeds their soul. So find your excuse and BUST IT!
--Do you read books? But it down and quilt instead! Or buy books on tape and listen while you sew
--Do you watch TV? Turn it off and quilt instead! Or tape your show and watch LATE at night OR while making dinner.
--Do you chat on the phone, or take a LONG time chatting with friends at events? Shorten that time and go home to quilt. When on the phone use a headphone, yes you can chat and sew at the same time!
--Do you haul people all over creation every night? Then share those duties or find someone to haul them some nights a week. You can also take hand work, piecing or applique. You'll be amazed at what you can do. I hand pieced a full size quilt on vacation once!
-- Do you take lots of time to prepare, eat, clean up your dinner each night? Well shorten that and QUILT!!!! Several nights a week have someone else cook, or make very simple meals. Get creative here.
--Do you travel? Take hand work or EVEN your sewing machine with you.
--Paperwork every night? then sew in the morning or right when you get home from work. Pick a RELAXING project to unwind. Think of your quilting as your gift to yourself, not another 'chore'. So be sure you have a simple project that just gives you the joy of making.
My TOP TIPS for fitting in 10 minutes a day of Sewing
- Always have a project OUT and READY that you can work on for 10 min at a time. don't hide it away. I KNOW if you have it put away you WON'T work on it.
- Set a timer for 10 min and then sew sew sew! This relieves the guilt and and you will be amazed at how much you can do in 10 minutes.
- Is your area is too messy to get to a project in 10 minutes? This is an excuse. Take the time to create a work space. Once you have a cleared area you will be able to pick up that project and get going.
- I have too many projects - Always have ONE that you can start right away. It's worth it as you will feel so good to sew!
- Are you too tired at night? Then find that SIMPLE project that YOU find relaxing. Maybe redwork, maybe applique, maybe sewing simple 9-patch blocks. More than likely there is a type of work that will lift you up once you start it. Do not work on the complicated project when you are too tired
I'm a firm believer that if you WANT to do something, then you will make time for it.
So....... No more whining... no more excuses.. we all have busy lives.
This is a busy time of the year and now, more than ever, fitting in time to sew a little everyday will calm you, center you, make you feel so much better each day.
Your assignment
- Get a project out and available for working on EVERY DAY
- Pick a time you can work on your project..
- 10 min in the morning before work..
- how about around lunch time for a handwork project?
- or 10 min after dinner is done.
- maybe as soon as you walk in the door each night?
There are 10 minutes in your day...
- put down the book
- don't fiddle with the TV
- Talk on a headset while on the phone... hands free allows you to sew at the same time!
- reduce your ...GASP internet time by 10 min...
- 10 minutes is doable!!
Get out your project and do something FOR YOU.. you DESERVE IT!
Leave me a coment telling me WHAT TIME OF DAY you will sew in.
I know you can sew 10 each day, I believe in you
Let's GO SEW!
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