What I love about quilters is the fun, the pure and simple fun that we all manage to have. And the best part is that it extends out to the people in the business. I have fun shop owner friends, and fun designer friends, and fun quilt blogger friends. It's the best community ever! And when a friend has a new book, and asks you to take a look and share it.. well of course the answer is yes!
Jackie Kunkel and I have known each other a long time, maybe 12 year or longer. She was a quilter who joined me in one of my first online communities I ran. Then she bought a longarm and started to quilt for people.. then she opened an online store, and then started to design for magazines, and opened a teaching studio ... and now.. now she has her first book! "Splash of Color" is exciting! Jackie LOVES color!
Here is my sweet friend Jackie! We knew each other online for a long time, then we got to meet in person at the trade show in Houston. I will never forget how we meet... because this IS classic.
I was out to dinner, i went to the restroom, which was very small... and I heard a squeal and Jackie runs over to hug me! yes.. ALL in the tiny bathroom, where luckily... it was filled with other quilters... so they of course understood!
When you hang around with Jackie you will find out she likes food.. a lot.. like really likes food! She also knows how to have a great time! Follow along at IG and see the quilt show she runs, her cat inspectors, and more fun!
And did I tell you she was smart? She is now a private pilot and flys often in the plane she and her husband own.
Jackie's book is a deep dive into how to use a collection by color. She is exploring what a collection of black and white fabrics can become. With her collection of black and white starting in 1993, she had quite a bit to work with!
I think black and white fabrics are so timeless, if you are collecting, this is what you need.. and Jackie's book for inspiration and guidance!
My favorite quilt in the book is this one, "Star Bright"
From a distance you don't really SEE the images on the black and white fabrics. You might not notice that there are Peace signs, Zebras, words and lovely florals. They all blend in together beautifully.
Jackie walks you through how to take that collection and develope a plan for using them in your quilts.
With Star Bright she made the quilt with all black backgrounds, then again with all white backgrounds. In each the stars are the same colors in the same spots.. scroll back and look.
The two quilts REALLY look different don't they!
Lately I had been using my favorite black with white polka dots.. a LOT, and I have a scrappy quilt in progress with the white background/black image pieces..so I'm getting low on those!
I pulled my dots, and the scraps, then paired it with my up coming Hometown Girl green.. this looks yummy!
Time for a giveaway!
I am giving away a digital copy of Jackie's book
Tell me
"What two unlikely colors have you put together that in the end were the perfect combination."
Leave me a note by 6pm Sept 29
The winner is Deb who wrote " Purple & Gray - not a color combination that I had ever used or considered - usually I'm reaching for red or a bright batik. The choice came about because I adore purple so I knew I wanted to use it in a quilt for our new master bedroom (hubs asked for not too bright) - Was going through my stash and nothing just hit me as perfect, So as I walk out of my attic storage area, I looked over at the walls of my husband's office/hobby space that we had painted a couple months ago. And there it was! I held my fabric up to his walls and that was it! I pulled out the Sherwin Williams paint chip from my project notebook and used it to help select the gray for my quilt. Perfect! Gray, purple, and white; beautiful and so relaxing."
- Today Visit Jackie Kunkel - http://cvquiltworks.com/blogs/blog
- and Kate Colleran - Seams Like a Dream http://seamslikeadream.com/blog/
Visit the rest during the week!
- Thursday -Sherri McConnell - A Quilting Life - http://www.aquiltinglife.com
- Thursday -Shelly Pagliai - Prairie Moon Quilts - http://prairiemoonquilts.com/?page_id=2
- Thursday -Margaret Solomon Gunn - Quilts Of Love - http://quiltsoflove.blogspot.com
- Friday -Faith Jones - Fresh Lemons Quilts - http://www.freshlemonsquilts.com
- Friday -Jenny Wilding Cardon - Martingale - http://blog.shopmartingale.com
- Saturday -Vicki Welsh - Field Trips In Fiber - http://vickiwelsh.typepad.com
- Saturday -Pam Viera- McGinnis - http://pamkittymorning.blogspot.com
- Sunday -Pat Wys - Silver Thimble Quilt Co. - http://www.silverthimblequilt.com/blog/
- Sunday -Sharon McConnell - Color Girl Quilts - http://colorgirlquilts.com/blog
- Monday -Julie Sefton - Me and My Quilts - http://quiltdivajulie.blogspot.com
- Monday -Victoria Findlay Wolfe Quilts - http://bumblebeansinc.blogspot.com
- Tuesday -Caroline Critchfield - Sew Can She - http://www.sewcanshe.com
- Tuesday -Amy Ellis - Amy’s Creative Side - http://amyscreativeside.com/blog/
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