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Pat Sloan: Free pattern from my guests Melissa Corry, Lori Kennedy, and Rebecca Bryan! All the links are at the END to FREE patterns and tutorials from my
Melissa Corry creates wonderful quilts designs, writes loads of fun tutorials at her website Happy Quilting, and her first book just came out called 'Irish Chain Quilts'. What I love about the book is the fun ways Melissa created an Irish chain! If you thought this was a ho hum block.. you will change your mind after you see how Melissa spices them up!
Lori Kennedy started to write at The InBox Jaunt in 2012 and quilters were soon following her tutorials on freemotion quilting. She is a passionate photographer and quilt maker on a quest to show you you CAN quilt your own quilts. We are going to chat about a few techniques that will bring your quilt making up a few notches, you can do it!!
Rebecca Bryan of Bryan House Quilts creates amazing quilts, uses color without fear and have a new book that focuses on creating quilts with the rainbow, which I'm totally fascinated by! You are going to learn some interesting ways to work today!
Enjoy these FREE Patterns and Tutorials from my guests, be sure to thank them!
-- Melissa's Library Quilt found on her tutorial page
-- Freemotion quilting tutorials from Lori
-- And adorable round case from Rebecca
- For a full list of my Show guests CLICK HERE to my Podcast page
- ITUNES subscription available - CLICK HERE To subscribe
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- APQ magazine online www.allpeoplequilt.com/
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