I had a serious falling off the wagon when it came to UFO busting so far this year. The truth is .. nothing has moved forward.. NOTHING... in all caps.
So I REISSUE the challenge to myself to finish some UFOs. UnFinished Objects.
I have them, I create new ones, I finish some, and don't finish some... many. But each year I faithfully figure out a challenge with a goal and set it.
And for many years now I've challenge you to work along with me. It's SO fun and inspiring to motivate each other all year. And usually makes me work on them.
You can read all my past posts on UFO busting HERE and there is a category on the right side bar
I am showing you again, and being brutally honest. I've hauled out all my finished tops, the pieces that are currently living in Top-ville.
Then I counted them.
There are 17 items that need finished.
11 are lap size or bigger.
ok... not as bad as I thought. Do you know why it's not as bad as I thought? Because last year I also made this grand challenge to finish UFOs.. you can look back.. not very far i might add, and see that project on the top... it was top of the list last year. oi oi oi!
So I am starting Fresh. Of the 11 larger projects I'm sorting then in the order I plan to do them.
And then I decide to pull out the top 4
They are
- a Christmas Quilt that needs a tiny bit more quilting, then a sleeve, label and binding
- my basket quilt (still) that needs quilted
- A top I use in my workshops that I want quilted
- and my Red version of my pattern 'Crush' (pattern here)
I will be chatting at my Facebook group.
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To 're-Kickoff' a UFO busting year.. I'd love for you to share a photo of your UFOs.. and leave a comment if you don't share a photo!
I pinkie swear.. I'm going to finish them... Now it's your turn