If you are struggling with chopped off point, let's figure out why and fix that for you! It's not a secret handshake or holding your head just the right way that makes you block perfect. It's just knowing where the problem occurs and fixing it!
Here are my tips for a successful block with beautiful points.
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The one tool you need is a good square rule, this is my favorite
The biggest problem people have is starting with a unit that is the incorrect size.
FIRST measure to be sure the unit is correct and use a ruler, NOT your mat. Here I have a 5 1/2" x 3 1/2" flying geese unit.
If your unit is not the correct size now, it won't get any better when you sew the next unit to it, ask me how I know!
When ever possible sew with the intersection FACE UP. You can't see it when it's on the bottom, and when you can't see it, error can be introduced.
This doesn't work for every intersection, but when you can have it on top.
Your 1/4" seam allowance will need to sew right to that POINT, and I sew slightly to the OUTSIDE, which in the photo above is to the RIGHT. .
If your seam allowance is TOO BIG you are going to sew to the LEFT and chop off the point. Just because you have a 1/4" foot on your machine doesn't mean it is sewing a 1/4" seam allowance
See my tutorial HERE on how to check your accurate 1/4" seam.
This is what what my seam looks like.
see how it's just a thread to the outside?
I press the units so they warm the fabric before I open the units up.
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Here they are pressed open.
I press with the seam allowance to that WHITE triangle this time. It lets my have less bulk under the point
And up close!
Here is the backside!
I hope this helped you. There are more tutorials and free things HERE
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