Ready for my second 2015 Quilt Challenge? Most of my challenges this year will involve using up your STASH.. this is a GOOD thing right? Because then you have more ROOM for new things.. like my fabric... wink!
The last challenge was called 'Hip to be Square'... I'm taking you from square to strips this time with my 'String Bean' challenge!
So why the name? As I am typing this it's snowing, and this is a variation of a logcabin block in a quilt I made that is LONG and SKINNY... so I thought String Bean was a fun way to describe it!
The Challenge Details..
- Cut a lot of scraps into 2.5" strips. Use up left over jelly rolls, ends of Fat Quarters, extra scraps. If you are super adventurous, use random widths!
- Use my block pattern for this Logcabin block (see below)
- THE ONE CRITERIA - Use some pieces of MY fabric lines in your quilt top. note the word PIECES... so get into your stash and cut some strips of my fabric to add in!
- Between Mar 5 and April 19 start sewing String Bean blocks
- By April 19 make a crib size or larger quilt TOP to share!! Woohoo! I will put a page up on April 30 for you to share your quilt TOP (note the word top, although i will give extra brownie points for it being quilted).
Between now and then I'm going to post some options, inspirations, and have some photo sharing so we can share our progress
Here is one mocked up with my new fabric 'The Sweet Life' which is being shipped to stores as we speak, although in some areas it may be stuck in a snow bank!
There will be a prize to someone at the end of next month!
Download Pat Sloan string bean challenge directions
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