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Pat Sloan chats with Sara Lawson, Roseann Kermes and Valori Wells!
And the END are links to a FREE pattern from EACH of my guests!
Sara Lawson of Sew Sweetness is a bag making expert! She give us some great tips for adding hardware to your project... some that I didn't realize were so easy! Below is a link to a free pattern for small bag above.
Have you ever wondered about hiring speakers and teachers for your event? Roseann and I give you tips for successfully scheduling speakers, and some ideas for topics you might have not thought of!
I am a HUGE fan girl of Valori Wells style... her fabric, her books and her business sense. Her newest book is a look into her world as a maker and gives some wonderful ideas. I loved chatting about her process, how she makes time, what photography means to her and sewing/running a business with small children.
Enjoy these FREE Patterns from my guests, be sure to thank you!
Novella quilt from Valori Wells
Brookfield Bag from Sara Lawson
Sewing Caddy from Roseann Kermes
- For a full list of my Show guests CLICK HERE to my Podcast page
- ITUNES subscription available - CLICK HERE To subscribe
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- APQ magazine online www.allpeoplequilt.com/
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