I asked my Online Quilt Bee and Facebook group if they would want to do a challenge, and I love that so many of you said yes, even people who have NO CLUE what a challenge is!
I decided that I'll do a few challenges this year, and the first is going to be BUSTING some scraps as that is what SO MANY of you want to do, even more so than finish a project.. what?? Start something new with stash, sign me up!
I'm TOTALLY obsessed with 2.5" squares. It might be an unhealthy obession, not sure, but I'm embracing it! I've been cutting up my scraps as I create them... when I can... and putting them in here.
Then I've have been sewing them as I work on other things to create these blocks.
They are 2.5" squares and I sewed the blocks 6 x 6. I have a VERY large stack.
I also cut up every single time.. some of my darker scraps
And I created these blocks of totally random goodness!
It has gotten to the point I can't help myself.. when the quilts come back from being quilted, I will rip out the batting stitch where my quilters did her test work, just to keep that strip.
Have you ever done this? It's crazy, those baskets NEVER get empty.
Then I thought, what if I use ONE color of scraps and paired it with an alternate that is the same, like these AMAZING Moda Dots?
oh my goodness.. these make me SO HAPPY!!!
These are 8 x 8 instead of 6 x 6 blocks.. bigger is sometimes better!
Would you put them in one quilt together, like a rainbow of scrappiness? Do a whole quilt of just blue/white (yes please I think I would... will!)
Can you see picking colors for instant baby quilts, quilts for co-workers, family... and oh my goodness I want one for my bed!
The idea of my Hip to Be Square challenge started a few months ago. What if we used our squares of scraps to make amazing quilts.
Totally random, color controlled, or very controlled by adding a base fabric?
And what if I then added a challenge with a prize of a stack of my fabric as a giveaway?
Here is the challenge -
- Cut a lot of scraps into 2.5" x 2.5" squares. (or any size you like)
- Between Jan 9 and Feb 6 start sewing squares together into blocks
- Then sew your blocks side by side, or with sashing, on point, you pick the setting.
- Have a crib size or larger quilt TOP done by Feb 6 to share!! Woohoo!
I will put a page up on Feb 6 for you to share your quilt TOP (note the word top, although i will give extra brownie points for it being quilted).
Between now and then I'm going to post some options, inspirations, and have some photo sharing so we can share what OUR scrap bins look like (yes.. i know.. you can't believe I only have those 2 baskets.. silly quilters.. there is more!)
I added a 2015 Challenge button to the categories on the right side bar.
I do believe dots are an incredible pairing for our scraps
You can Buy the dots I Love HERE
Ok GO get out your scraps!
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