I am having such a GREAT time traveling around visiting you where you live and sew. I'm seeing small towns, medium towns, and super busy and energetic places (can't argue that driving around Manhatten is energetic!).
Here are a few of the quilt background done in my Wild and Free workshop on Long Island. Have I visited you yet? GO to my EVENT PAGE to fill out a request, I'd love to see you!
I had to ask.. do I say I was ON Long Island or AT Long Island. It's ON ... (i have to learn to talk like a native to fit in!)
I'm getting ready for the trade show where I'll show my next fabric line and the quilts I made. Every new line give me GOOSEBUMPS .. I get so excited!
Those quilts just came back and I'll be getting a photo done soon! This is a the fabric line "The Sweet Life".
And I must bragg about the AMAZING people at Moda. They are generous, helpful and some of the smartest people I know. I'm so happy to be working with them!
But wait.. there's more! I'm working on book #32 with Martingale .. who is another totally awesome group to work with. When looking for backing I found the PERFECT fabric ... drum roll.. IN MY STASH! SLAM DUNK... am I right? I can't tell you how exciting it is to be able to use up STASH!
And I just finished curating a collection of EASY AWESOME quilt links for the Sew Mama Sew November Roundup... I'm very excited to be part of the round up this year! Have you followed that? It's a crazy good time
Almost two years ago The Quilt Show interviewed me at the trade show....And the episode finally aired! YOU can watch for free until Oct 31. There may be a few days they are down for some maintence, so just try back.
Sign into the site and then go to this link. My segement is at the end .. scroll to 41:05 and it's 10 minutes long.
You can create a free account and if you want to pay for membership use discount code 267989151476 for 50% off until Oct 31.
Go watch.. I'll wait....
Did you like my interview?
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