The incredible team at American Patchwork & Quilting magazine have been working to build a new Podcast page for me! Here is the BIG reveal.. I'm SO EXCITED!
Let's take a look
When you go to the site on the top right is a tab that drops down and it says 'Magazine & More'
Under that is 'Quilting Podcast'.. click it to the page above. You can listen to my welcome message HERE
Click at the bottom of the 'Past Shows' column and you go to a show page
We now have a great list of all the shows!
You can click through on the person you want to listen to.
Now you have the show page with
- Player at the top to listen right now
- Each guest
- Link to their website
- and a quote from the show!
Go ahead and listen to this encore right now HERE
What about searching? yep we have it covered!
If you search for Jeni Baker, you will now have the interview, this is the BEST STUFF!! I'm so darn excited to be able to share this with you!
And visit my TOTALLY amazing Sponsor Moda!
- For a full list of my Show guests Go HERE to my Podcast page
- ITUNES subscription available - Subscribe HERE
- Stitcher subscription available - Subscribe HERE
- APQ FACEBOOK page Go HERE to Join
- My FACEBOOK Quilt Community Join ME HERE
- APQ magazine online
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