October is here and I am so lucky to interview my good friend Jane Davidson of QuiltJane fame!
This is why i love Jane.. she did this after our trip one year and I still crack up when I see this photo!
I did several fabric auditions for Jane's block. When I say things out this way and take photos I have a much better idea of fabric placement. And I don't want to cut anything before I'm pretty sure where I'm going.
I think I was sure that flower was going to be in the center...
And here she is! My LOVE block for October!
The blocks are looking GREAT together! This is such a fun set and I'm excited about having my quilt with my 'Bobbins and Bits'. Next year I'll use 'One for you, One for me' which you can now find in your favorite quilt shops!
Read my Interview with Jane HERE and when you get to the end you'll find her pattern under the block
How are you doing with your blocks? Are you keeping up?
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