The people at Sew Mama Sew have a series this June called 'My Favorite Quilt'. They have features and are hosting a link up! I LOVE the idea of sharing MY Favorite quilt with you. It might not be what you are expecting... let's get to it!
This quilt is called "They Danced all Night".
To select a 'Favorite Quilt' is super difficult isn't it? Have you ever tried to narrow it down to JUST one quilt that is a favorite? Well I can't. I decided to show you not only a favorite, but also a quilt that is very significant in my quilt making history.
This is the quilt that forced me to learn to Applique.
It really should be called "Kicked In the Butt'
I had taken a workshop with Nancy Crow that changed forever the way I looked at Quilts. I talked with Christa Watson on my podcast monday about that (CLICK to listen 6/23/14).
The reason that workshop changed my life, is that it showed me a totally different way to work with my fabric.
After that 4 day workshop I worked very differently. I worked improvisationally. I worked intuitively. I did not have my company yet, so nothing needed to be made into a pattern, which is very freeing and let me be creative in a different way.
But I did not applique, and I wanted to applique.
I wanted to put flowers on my quilts.
This quilt was first sketched out, then I worked by intuitively creating sections as I went and piecing the curves freeform. There is very little applique here, almost all the shapes are curved piecing.
Creating those flowers were the most fun I'd had in a million years
it was exciting to finally be able to put FLOWERS on my quilts!
But there was one problem
I TOTALLY love the final quilt
All the fabrics
All the piecing... Awesome.
What I didn't like was trying to force the flowers into pieced shapes.
It was difficult to do and in the end I knew I had to learn to applique as I would have so much more freedom than this process allowed me.
So This is my Kick in the butt quilt. It forced me to learn to applique
And I have never ... ever.. regretted that.
Applique gives me more freedom in design than any patchwork ever could.
I'm grateful for the process to make this quilt and it's a huge part of why I stayed a quilt maker. It is one of my Favorite quilts I've ever made!
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- and would you like a giggle? CLICK HERE to read about my FIRST quilt
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