Did you hear me Squeal when I got the word my quilt made the cover of Primitive Quilts and Projects magazine?? Well you should have!
Brandywine is the cover of the Summer 2014 issue!
I used earthy warm tones of black, old gold, deep reds and foresty greens.
But my quilts looks just as good in other colors... want to see?
here is a single block done in mostly in my Bobbins and Bits! Doesn't this look different? The Orange is one of my hoarded... saved Kate Spain Fabrics (click here to listen to my Mar 17 2014 interview with Kate)
Guess what else? The AMAZING editors of Primitive Quilts and Projects magazine is hosting a GIVEAWAY of this copy to ONE of MY lucky readers... ahem.. that's YOU!
AND... you can order a subscription now during this special promotion for only $19.99 which is very very good.. (like 50% off kind of goodness)
CLICK HERE to order and check out their website to see what the magazine is about HERE
And now for the giveaway.. and if you subscribe and win.. they will adjust your order.. so order FIRST.. then come tell me this by April 5
What colors will YOU make my Brandywine in?
Similar to the cover?
Simliar to my Bobbins and Bits?
Another color way totally? Leave me a comment!
The Winner is Sharon who wrote "congrats on your quilt making the cover. Have a great day!"
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