This year we are running some of our Favorite shows as encores until Jan 6, 2014. This is such a busy time of year that many of you don't have a chance to pick up the new shows until next year. Plus our radio station is closed the last 2 weeks in December.
So this is a GREAT time to catch up on past shows. Get them downloaded to your player and listen when you can.
Did you know......
I have three and a half years of shows before I worked with American Patchwork & Quilting magazine?
CLICK HERE to listen or download those shows
And it might be eaiser if you are looking for shows you missed, to download them from my station. CLICK HERE for ALL my shows with the magazine.
During the 'live' slot of 4pm to 5pm eastern time, I am rerunning a favorite from Jan 21, 2013 ... check it out.. or just listen to it RIGHT NOW as it's already podcasted!
CICK HERE to catch up on the Podcasts!
ITUNES - CLICK HERE To subscribe
MY FACEBOOK page JUST for the shows CLICK HERE to Join
My FACEBOOK Quilt Community CLICK HERE to Join
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