Angela Yosten is back with some great projects for babys AND moms! Then Jennifer Keltner and I discuss the making of a magazine. My final guest is the amazing Kathy Doughty from Australia.
Click HERE to listen to my prior shows!
I am excited to have Angela Yosten back on the show. She is an author, fabric design and super clever quilters. What I love about her books and projects are that they are very do able. Loads of smaller things, quick to make, instant satisfaction. She also does amazing quilts! Angela's latest book is Sew Modern Baby and we'll talk about that and I'm asking her some tips for fitting in sewing with a toddler in the house.
Jennifer and I talking about the making of a magazine, the behind the scenes scoop. It might be one of my most favorite recordings! I love behind the scenes!
I've followed the Material Obsessions quilt shop blog forever, I can't even remember how long. The shop encourages the most vibrant use of fabrics around. The owner, Kathy Doughty is an amazing quilter and encourager. She has written several books, has online workshops and now she is here with me to share her background.,
CLICK HERE to Listen LIVE between 4pm and 5pm EASTERN. Then Listen ON YOUR COMPUTER or download the PODCAST after the show! The recording is available after 6pm eastern.
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