I Love it when you send me photos of the quilts and projects you have made with my fabric and patterns!
This awesome group is
- Little Blue bird from Nann
- My Bobbins and Bits charm packs made into a full quilt from Mary Val
- Chelsea's Summer Garden is by Pat H.
- The on point quilt is from my book 'Fast Forward Quilts' made by Lisa K.
- and the Bike block from Red Apple Lane is from Patti H.
I hope you email me photos of your work! I have more to share soon!
The Birthday Block Envelopes are arriving!!!
I might have about 25 or so now ... the blocks are so adorable!
I now have an official 'Birthday Block Basket' to put them in. When I get home later today I'll start to photography the blocks and maybe get them on the design wall so we can see how they look!
If you would like to end me a birthday block I'd love to have it! I'll take blocks until the end of the year
Here is what I'd like.
- Use red with grey. Red with aqua. Red with black with white .. maybe a wee bit of orange (like the photo above). At least have RED and one or 2 of the other colors in your block.
- make any size block you like! YES REALLY! A simple 2" square 4-patch block, or a churn dash. Maybe a friendship star.. easy blocks.. from finished size of 4" x 4" to 12" x 12" .. but smaller is better! (good right?)
- of course I'll take fancy blocks and applique blocks too. Whatever YOU want to make me!
- mail the block to me by the end of the year.
Pat Sloan & Co.
12444 Oliver Cromwell Dr
Oak Hill, VA 20171
I am SO EXCITED about this project. I'll be showing blocks as they come in, I'll be putting them on my design wall.. taking some videos.. It will be FUN!
I'm looking forward to this.. let me know in the comments if you are sending the block..
smooches to all!
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