When I told you my dream was to make a Birthday quilt with blocks from you, I wasn't sure what to expect. It's a lot to ask you to make me a block. And I hoped a lot of you would, because a quilt with blocks from around the world will be so awesome.. and you blew me away!
Here is what I have so far, about 70 blocks! I know more are coming.. I think LOTS more..
This quilt of friendship blocks is going to be SO AMAZING! CLICK the photo for a larger image.
You sent me multiple blocks, you sent me fun notes, and lovely cards.
I even got an adoption notice for the top right block with the kitty! That kitty has been in her collection waiting for a new home.. and I am the very lucky person that will be taking care of her.. so sweet.. right?
and look at the awesome stamp on that enevelope.. best mail days EVER here at Camp Sloanie!
Your notes are amazing and make me smile or laught out loud! I had to share this note from Becky that came with this wee little heart block. I love that she says she is "Harvester of Scraps"... can you relate?
Several of you sent blocks with some of my fabric line in them, this is SO COOL!!! Cindy and Dennis made these blocks and sent me a coffee shop with them! Plus they know me SO WELL that they told me exactly the fabric line (Grinch) that this big red dot came from, because they KNOW I will want some .. such good friends!
Blocks have come in from many different states, Canada, Australia, Norway and England!
I have plenty of room for your block! Here are the details.. I won't work on this until January, so you have time to send me one!
(oh.. in case you wondered... I am now officially a Double Nickle)
Here is what I'd like.
- Use red with grey. Red with aqua. Red with black with white .. maybe a wee bit of orange (like the photo above). At least have RED and one or 2 of the other colors in your block.
- make any size block you like! YES REALLY! A simple 2" square 4-patch block, or a churn dash. Maybe a friendship star.. easy blocks.. from finished size of 4" x 4" to 12" x 12" .. but smaller is better! (good right?)
- of course I'll take fancy blocks and applique blocks too. Whatever YOU want to make me!
- mail the block to me by the end of the year.
I am SO EXCITED about this project. I'll be showing blocks as they come in, I'll be putting them on my design wall.. taking some videos.. It will be FUN!
I'm looking forward to this!
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