Sometimes an idea pops into your head and you have that 'V8' moment... am I right?
You actually SLAP YOUR FOREHEAD and talk out loud to yourself.. mmm (is it just ME that does this?).
While teaching some workshops.... I all of a sudden realized that I was always talking about my 'Power Thread colors'. Those colors that work across so many fabrics to get the job done.
Your PERFECT COLORS to have in your tool box.
I suggest to my awesome friends at Aurifil that I'd like to create some thread kits of "Pat's Perfect Colors". And the equally amazing people at Moda helped me with the covers for the kits!
Ta Da.. and Idea that went from Head Slap to YOUR quilt shop.. in no time flat!
My two new thread kits will debut at the trade show on Saturday... I am SO EXCITED!
I will also be posting the Moda Bella Solids that match my threads.. great set of solids to have for your collection!
Please send this info to YOUR favorite quilt shop and ask them to order them for you!
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