Sometimes you just need a new studio Assistant.
I had super fun hearing all the names you suggested at my quilting Facebook page and my Instagram page for my new assistant!
She is not new.. but not too old either... The Shipping Department needed a new Studio Assistant so I was able to inherited his old one!
Isn't Bertie Beautiful?
Whitney suggested Bertha. And believe it or not, Bertha was the sister of my favorite Great Grandmother. And I love visiting Aunt Bertha! Bertha liked to do crafty things.. and make cookies. We'd walk from Ma-Ma's house down the street a couple of homes and visit for an hour with Aunt Bertha. She was always so happy to see me! What a glorious childhood to have Aunties that love you.
So Bertie the Beautiful it is.. I can't imagine another name for her!
For those that want the specs, she is a Nikon D80 and the lenses for the Shipping dept's camera and Bertie all interchange.. yeah! I have a LOT TO LEARN on this camera. But i've been wanting to learn a DSLR for a long time. Do you take photos with a DSLR? Any tips for me?
Do you have a favorite Aunt?
What do you love about her.. I'd like to know!
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