I love the line up for this show, three quilters with a passion for sharing what they do with other quilters. That is the underlying thread to the show today!
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If you have questions for my guests put it in the comments!
Here is what you can look forward to on my show today!
Guest - I am always excited when I spot a piece of fabric that makes my heart sing. When I first found fabric by Alison Glass, that is what happened! It's happy and lively and drenched in amazing color. I asked Alison to join me today to chat about her work!
Guest - There is an exhibit at the Denver Art museum called "Spun, Adventures in Textiles" that my friend Amy Gibson shared on her blog. When I started to read about the event I got all goosebumpy! I shot an email off to Amy and invited her to come on the show to tell us about the exhibit AND having a piece in it! Plus Amy is going to give us a few tips on paper piecing today.. and maybe share the secret sauce that allows her time to sew with 4 children under the age of 5 AND moving into a new home... can't wait!
Museum article by Amy -http://www.stitcherydickorydock.com/a-night-at-the-museum/
Loretta Bennett bio - http://www.paulsonbottpress.com/about/oktp/oktp_bennett.pdf
Guest - Quilt Designer Faith Jones runs "Fresh Lemons", a super blog with tutorials, quilt sharing and massive amounts of feel good stuff quilters love to read everyday! A few weeks ago I was reading her blog and I just may have stopped mid-paragraph to send her an email and ask her to come on the show. Faith was talking about "Community Giving". Quilts for a cause, Quilts for those that are hurting. This is a topic near and dear to me. We are going to talk about that, her new book that is coming out and a lot more!
Do you have a question for my Guests?
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