I was not sure how to address this post, do I ask if you hoard fabric? Collect seems like a MUCH nicer word. Do I ask if you have ever moped because you missed out on a certain fabric? Have you scoured the interet looking for 'said missed fabric' in the hopes of finding it, maybe on sale?
or have you, like me, resorted to asking people if THEY own the item so you can trade them something for it? In my case it was not fabric (this time) it was a cute basket the fabric kits came in! Well I DID ask if anyone had one to trade... it was in my newsletter .. all public and everything... (read it HERE)
We are talking about THIS basket that Seaside Rose kits from Moda were sold in. This photo is the basket in the Moda Archives (which by the way they watched me very carefully once I mentioned I've been looking for one for YEARS. I think the guards double checked it was still there when I left the building).
Well I got a little note from Subee the other day. She had one. It was in her closet and she was willing to trade.
OH MY.. the ANGELS SANG.. seriously I have been on pins and needles since that note! And today is the day my box from Subee arrived! I had the shakes unpacking it.. seriously I did!
I went and got my remaining Seaside Rose fabric (yes I DID know where it was, thank you for asking, don't YOU know where all your special fabrics are?)
Subee had made a wedding quilt and had kept the basket. It has been in her closet for years.. she even sent me the note from the place she bought it! I kept the note.. seriously I did.
I have made 2 quilts with my coveted Seaside Rose. Now I put all I have left into "THE" basket and it's sitting here in my studio where I can see it. There are little hearts of joy coming off the top..
sort of like this.. only better...
ahhh.... I am so happy!
Do you think I should use the rest of the fabric? Do you think I can convince Moda to make more? (the florals and the seashells please)
I wrote a guest post at Sew Mama Sew today about my radios show. CLICK HERE to see the 10 radio shows I curated for the Sew Mama Sew Audience! PS you might want to read about the fantastic online sewing contest they are running, it should be fun!
And don't forget to SEW TODAY!! I'll be hand stitching with my girlfriends tonight!