I went back over to my Guilds show today, Quilter's Unlimited 40th Anniversary show! I had coffee and a chat with one of the "In the Beginning" fabric designers and President of the DC Modern Quilt guild, Jessie Aller! I am hoping Jessie posts the photo SHE took of us as I was a slacker and didn't get one.
I have SO MANY photos from the show, that I thought I'd just share a few of my favs.. then I'll share more another day.. ok? OK!
I stopped into That Thread Shop that carries all the Aurifil thread.. I spotted my Thread kits!
Lots of Yummy fabrics!
And I stopped into my friend Judy Gula's booth artisticartifacts.com/ for a look around. Judy specializes in Batik Tambal fabrics...
These are some of the stamps used in making the fabrics. They are created by carving and by working metal and nails into these shapes.
Here is a close up, very amazing!
I want to share a few of the quilts that caught my eye. Quilter's Unlimited is a 'non juried' show. There are no awards, or judging. So we have an incredible array of work by the 11 chapters that make up my guild.
I love that green border and how she pulled that green into the quilt blocks.
The super skinny strips, many of them with stripes, are my favorite part.
and the pop of Pink really makes this quilt spectacular for me.
I'm very fond of improvisational work. I have worked like this in the past, but it's been a SUPER long time since I've done one of these, and I'm craving them.
What was very fascinating was the hand quilted 'pools' of circles.
Just beautiful.
The grey/brown of this Pickle dish really is beautiful. Not only is the pattern one that is on my LONG list of must makes, the look of this one appeals to me as it's more masculine.
Look at the fabrics used, Birch trees, stones, chicken wire.. dots and florals!
I even have this pattern!
I had to keep looking and looking at this quilt
The triangle colorations are so vibrant. They make the sashing DANCE! Do you see why? They radiate in split color ways from the centers where they meet as a pinwheel
The colors are again that grey/brown...
Now for a totally sunshine kind of a quilt.. in YELLOW! yellow is my 'first favorite color' and I am drawn to anything yellow.
I like the snowball in the Irish Chain. A GREAT way to show off large prints
And she did a super job using bold fabrics again that great yellow print.
WOW... really... WOW!
This quilt wins my 'Tenacity' Award... let's read the label
Bill worked on this for 15 years, all tiny little 1" squares
All 8,568 of them.. whew!
I will do another quilt show post later this week with some of the Red and white quilts from the challenge and two quilts from my patterns that were hanging in the show!
What do you do as soon as you get to the show ...