UFO busting is SO important. Because if you have these UFOs around giving you guilt, you just can't have any fun. Am I right?
My UFO Busting Tip 5 is the "Search and Rescue"
It is VERY important one
Ask yourself these questions
- When was the last time you actually SAW the top of your cutting table
- Is your ironing board piled HIGH with crap that needs put away.. .. treasures you purchased?
- Do you HAVE your newly selected 3 to 10 UFOs in a spot where you can actuall GET to them?
- Where are your Scissors, rotary cutter, favorite Ruler, needles and thread (pick one ..or all!)
- Can you just SIT DOWN and sew at ANY time? Or is the machine covered in projects that you have to move
- Do you have a project 'at the ready'..and what is it in? No it does not count if it is in a box under the bed in other room
Do you see where I'm going with this one?
You need your STUFF at the ready.
Don't waste precious time
- hauling out the sewing machine
- looking for your rotary cutter
- clearing off the ironing board
- hunting for your hand work so you can take it with you
And this all got put here since MONDAY
well maybe NOT ALL.. like my blue bowl
I have no clue WHAT is in the blue bowl.. not good
*********** I think if we had THIS Ironing Board Cover ************
************ We'd be able to find it the board ************
Just saying....
If you know where to purchase put that cover tell us in the comments, I couldn't find any stores except in the UK.. mmmm.. what's with that?!
- Identify THREE organization things that make it HARD for you to get to work
- Tell me what they are in the comments
- Now FIX THEM (yes clear off that ironing board and KEEP it clear!)
- Reward yourself when that is done
- Share BEFORE and AFTER photos at Flickr!!
Let's GO SEW!
Share what you are working on HERE at my flickr group
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