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Here is what you can look forward to on my show today!
Guest - Nancy Allen is the author of the new book from Martingale called "Triple Play Scrap Quilting". I am always excited to see a new way to use scraps..and this one is triple the fun! Nancy is going share how the book came about!
Guest - I love learning about the quilt and texitles museums across the country. I invited Nancy Bavor, the Curator of Collections at the San Jose Museum of Quilt & Textiles to tell us a bit about the museum and what they have to offer.
Twitter: @SJQuiltMuseum
Facebook: San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles
Guest - Designer Mary Andra Holmes and I meet on Twitter. Then one year at the trade show I was walking around at the end of a LONG day of set up .. stopped to chat with someone who said OH here is Mary Andra that you twitter with! WHAT FUN! Mary Andra is 1/4th of the quilt design team called "Sisters Quilting Trunk". I asked her on the show to tell us about her quilt journey, working as part of a big team and share a few tips with us! ..
: MahSistersQT
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