I'm working on that final list of my UFOs from my First UFO busting tip. The KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE (click here to read Tip1). They have all been pulled, a list has been made, and now I'm in the process of figuring out if I want to keep all that I have.
That's the hard part. As you know I've done this before... about every 2 yrs.
So that mean the pile is 'smaller' but not small. And I mostly love most of it.. BUT .. there are a few I might not love as much as I did last time I thought about it.
But My Dear Jane has great sentimental memories for me (CLICK HERE to read about it). So I am going to finish it.. BUT NOT as a reagular DJ.. but a Baby Dear Jane.. meaning a variation!
With an Alphabet.. OH YEAH!! letters!
The Dear Jane blocks above are not all of what I have.. but enough to have a visual for the alphabet. I'll have to take them all out of the binders and put up on the wall to see how the alphabet will fit in.
But it does give me the colorway... so I pulled this set of fabrics for the alphabet. Some are REALLY REALLY old... like they don't even FEEL nice... you KNOW they are super old when they are stiff! See the bottom left? It's from 1997.. a Moda (swoon!).
The blocks are 4.5" finished squres. So I'm using the FREE ALPHABET you can get on my Free pattern page. CLICK HERE and scroll until you see the words EAT...
The red for this block is one of my older fabric lines.
Here we go!! Some of my Dear Jane blocks with their new Alphabet block!
I really like it. I have no idea how the setting will go, it will develop as I do the blocks. This may take all year, or less. I'm going to share it as it progress.
Do you have a set of sampler blocks with no purpose? How about building an alphabet to go with them?
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This is my NEW Weekly Show and Tell Feature, can't wait to see your stuff!