"Meet Me Under the Apple Tree!"
Block 1 of my "Red Apple Lane" is the apple Tree. Today until the last Wed of December... let's work on the apple tree block.. I know .... I know... I can hear you saying.. but it's almost DECEMBER!! Oh but life doesn't stop... you still need to CREATE ... am I right? I see some head nods going on out there.
Ok... let's continue... some tips and tricks to move this baby along to the DONE stage!
First let me tell you about the pattern. Each pattern shows the quilt in two colorways.. amazing eh? The blue version is a mix of my cotton and batik "Eat your Fruits and Veggies' fabrics with Moda. The other is an all batik version.
There is also a little mailbox in the top right of the single quilt photos.. see it in the top picture? That tells you the order of the blocks.. which is the order I'll be working through
To make the full quilt you need all 9 pattern. But you can do just the ones you want as single quilts. Either way is fine. (where to buy info is at the end). Don't they look pretty all lined up to work on?
I do fusible applique. So that is what I'll be chatting about.
The pattern has sheets with all the directional shapes flipped for fusible! All you have to do is trace and GO!
And we have an overlay. If you happen to be doing an applique technique that needs the shapes the SAME direction as the quilt... use this large sheet.
You can also use the large sheet as a placement guide. Many of you use the applique pressing sheet, just postition that sheet on top of the paper, and layout all the shapes for perfect alignment!
I just do my own thing using the photo and full scale pattern as my guide, Mother nature isn't perfect so I don't need my leaves to be in any 'exact' spot... but that's just me.. wink!
First thing to do is trace trace trace onto Fusible, I use Heat n Bond Lite (buy HERE). Or prepare the shapes for hand applique. Now get going... and I'll see you at our groups for more continued chat!
Never did Fusible applqiue before? Check out my free Meadow Breeze pattern with lots of directions, or get out one of my applique books, there are directions in there. Your pattern has written directions.
AND the BEST PART.. is you can ask me!! Here is where I'll be .. any time you need help
Share your progress at Quilt Mashup, my internet group CLICK HERE
At Facebook... CLICK HERE
And load photos to my FLICKR Group CLICK HERE
I will have close-ups of the quilting and stitching in December.. stay tuned!
One kit version is with my Moda fabric "Eat Your Fruits and Veggies".
I have some of the pattern sets at my online store, CLICK HERE
KITS with MY Fabric line
The kits for my Moda Version as shown above is being sold at
The Joyful Quilter in NY - you can order HERE and if you want the kit sent when the fabric comes in, call the store and tell them. Otherwise their kits mail in January
Hancocks of Paducah (Kits, Patterns, Thread) http://www.hancocks-paducah.com/Item--i-M-BBC-1814-QK
Quilting on the Square in KS
Sew With Me in WI - phone the shop as the kits are not online yet
If you like the all Batik version Bigfork Bay is selling the Batik Kits.AND... Bigfork has Laser cut kits... serious!!! just peel, stick and sew! And they have my Aurifil thread kits... yippee!
Batik kits with or without laser cut shapes CLICK HERE
Cotton Patch fabrics is selling a version similar to above, contact them by CLICKING HERE
JUST Patterns
Do you want JUST the patterns to use your own fabric?
just the patterns as a group or single...
Bigfork Bay Cotton CO CLICK HERE
Fabric depot CLICK HERE
Beaver Creek Quilt Company CLICK HERE
Alice in Stitches Click HERE